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Buying a piano. Acoustic or digital?

When the piano is a part of your life, having a piano or keyboard for home practice is essential. In the olden days, the acoustic piano was the best and the only choice; this meant that one’s options were based on the price-quality rate. Of course, we still choose it based on the price-quality rate, but today we can consider…

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When 13 is lucky

There are always personal reasons to take music lessons, but what about something common? Something that is the same for all? Well, there is a lot of that. After all, playing a musical instrument is not just about being musical; there are many reasons to do so. Today we are posting 13 of them. Which ones are yours? 1) Learning…

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What You Need To Start Online Music Lessons

We all have learned a lot about online education since 2020. But there still may be questions about it, especially if you have never experienced learning music online. Below we gathered the most useful tips for online music lessons, which will improve your lessons significantly. Or at least, we know for sure that they improved our students’ lessons a lot.…

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Do Online Lessons Even Work?

The best music schools and teachers worldwide have launched their online music programs and lessons a long time before the hectic events of 2020. Nevertheless, some will try to convince you that “they are bad” or at least “not the same” as in-person lessons. While the second statement is true, the first one is absolutely not. At least not about…

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5 reasons why students stop taking or don’t start music lessons

Whether having attended a musical school, taking music lessons from a private teacher, or having someone from your family/friends with the music learning experience, all outcomes of music lessons can be different. Alongside other things, it depends on the length of learning. Some students study for years and successfully participate in music activities (recitals, concerts, competitions, etc.) and improve their…

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